We create custom slide presentations with…

A more compelling message...

Created for your audience and your presenters...

Professionally designed...

So you’ll get
the right results
professional slide decks
for all types of presentations
Marketing, Sales,
Products, & Services
Sales presentations
Sales training
Product/services pitches
Marketing webinars
Investor pitches
& pitch decks
Board presentations
Self-running exhibit presentations
User conferences
Corporate & Internal
Executive presentations
External company overviews
Team meetings
Why Slide.works
Professional PowerPoint Slides
We'll create professional PowerPoint slides so you can make the best impression - and achieve results.
Save Time
Busy? No problem. We'll create compelling slides for you.
We've spent more than 20 years designing professional-looking presentations used by executives, sales teams, marketers, trainers and others.

Our Work:
Sample Slide Presentations
Slide.Works creates professional slide decks for all types of presentations.
From product and services presentations, to sales presentation, to internal presentations, we’ve got you covered – we’ll deliver great-looking slides that clearly convey your message.
No matter where you’re starting from, we can help with…
- Presentation & slide design
- Slide templates
- Slide cleanup
- Slide animation
- Presentation strategy
- Message and value proposition

Got Questions?
We’ve got answers. Get an expert evaluation of your slides, at no charge.
Need more help with marketing?
SolutionMarketing Strategies can help
Our sister company, Solution Marketing Strategies offers a full range of strategic and tactical marketing services, including solution strategies, market research, product launch, sales enablement, and more.
The slides were dazzling. The message sizzled. The storyline was compelling. The audience was enthralled. The success of the company’s new corporate presentation seemed guaranteed after the company’s CEO presented it during an important sales call.
There was just one problem. No one else could deliver the presentation. It was unpresentable.
How do you create a presentation that is presentable – by just about anyone?
Message First
Figure out what you want to say before you decide how to say it If your slide deck is failing to get results, it may need more than a cosmetic overhaul. It may need a messaging overhaul. The sales VP’s slide deck was confusing and wasn’t resonating with prospects. So the CEO said, “Send the […]
The 4-Word Presentation
The challenge: create a compelling presentation with just 4 words. Could you do it?
This example will help you to see the benefits of paring down your words to the bare minimum. Let your slides do the showing so you can do the talking.
Planning a Presentation? Start Early
It’s easy to put off working on your presentation. But the best presenters give themselves more time to create their presentations. Here are a few quick reasons why it pays to start early: Anticipate the unanticipated – For starters, it always takes longer to create a slide deck than you think it will – for […]